Solid-state electric dehumidifiers by Rosahl are compact and maintenance-free air dehumidifying solutions for protecting sensitive devices from moisture damage. They transport moisture from inside to outside and operate fully maintenance-free with minimal power consumption.
USB power supply modules for Rosahl solid-state micro-dehumidifier modules, USB UART converter modules with Silabs CP2102 chipset and Power-Over-Ethernet power supply modules.
Sammy ATSAM/SmartARM and Crumb AVR/ATmega/Xmega microcontroller modules / boards with small form factor and various peripherals and interfaces like RS232, RS485, CAN bus, USB UART converter, USB controller, etc. on 2.54mm pin headers.
High Performance ANSI C Compiler with integrated development environment (IDE) as well as automatic program generation and in-system programming for the Atmel AVR microcontroller familiy.